

蛋白石年代. 怀特利和她的日记碎片照片

蛋白石年代. 怀特利和她日记的片段

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这张照片, 巴赫拉赫在1919年左右拍摄的, depicts Opal Whiteley in the process of reassembling her diary that had been ripped into thousands of pieces by a "jealous foster sister.这本日记后来被出版为 蛋白石的故事:一颗理解的心的日记.


In writing about one of the most "strangely interesting stories" he encountered in his long career as the editor and publisher of 大西洋月刊, Ellery Sedgwick observed that "to an editor open-mindedness is of the first importance. [But] there is a point just below credulity and very far above skepticism where his mind should stick and open not one jot further.无视自己的建议, in 1919 Sedgwick fell under the spell of a mysterious young woman from the West—or did she have a more exotic origin?

奥珀尔·怀特利来到波士顿的办公室 大西洋 1919年9月,带着她印刷的一本书, 但我想以常规的方式发表, 我们身边的仙境, which was, according to Sedgwick, "the fairyland of beasts and blossoms, butterflies and birds." Whiteley showed Sedgwick the copy of her book that she had embellished with her own drawings and which "bore a hundred marks of special loving care." While Sedgwick did not believe that it was a promising publication project, about Whiteley herself there was "something very young and eager and fluttering, 就像灌木丛中的小鸟."


When Sedgwick found out that Whiteley claimed to have grown up as an orphan in at least nineteen lumber camps in the Pacific Northwest and remembered the surroundings of her childhood in great detail, he thought his next question to her was natural: had she kept a diary —and, 如果是这样的话, 这就是他想要发表的. Her answer was that she had, but it had been destroyed, torn to pieces by a jealous foster sister. “奇迹般地,她保存了撕碎的书页, and Sedgwick quickly installed her and her hatbox crammed full of thousands of fragments in the home of his mother-in-law in Brookline, 就在波士顿城外, where Opal embarked on the complex and laborious task of reassembling the diary. 什么出现了, 个月后, phoenix-like from the fragments was the fairy tale/natural history that Opal supposedly had written between the ages of six and twelve.

与Opal Whiteley密切合作, 在1920年3月到8月之间, Ellery Sedgwick published extracts from Whiteley’s reconstructed journal in serial form in the 大西洋,同年又出版了加长版 蛋白石的故事:一颗理解的心的日记. 奥珀尔的故事的发表引起了轰动. 的 story appealed to readers who became enamored with the tale of an exceptionally precocious six year old who had kept a diary filled with classical allusions and keen observations of the natural world around her—a "fairy" child who conversed with animals and trees—and the little people of the forest. It also provoked a very large number of queries regarding the diary's authenticity.


尽管奥珀尔·斯坦利·怀特利已经成为国际名人, 她与现实的脆弱og体育官网恶化了. She claimed that the "angel parents" whom she had lost when she was very young were an Orléanist pretender to the French throne and an Indian princess—not a Native American but the daughter of the ruling family of a princely state in the Indian subcontinent. After travelling widely amidst a furor of publicity about the veracity of her story and her claims that her natural history writings dated from early childhood, 怀特利在英国定居. Her "story" ended on a sad note; she spent the last forty years before her death in 1992 in mental hospitals. 塞奇威克一直照顾她,直到1960年去世.


的 Massachusetts Historical Society’s collection of Ellery Sedgwick Papers includes correspondence, 照片, 以及与怀特利的书出版有关的其他材料, 蛋白石的故事. 埃勒里·塞奇威克与怀特利一直通信到1929年, although he found that the "dew of the morning" had vanished from the journal that she continued to keep. He kept track of her life and the continued interest in her story for much longer, 花了好几年时间和在俄勒冈州认识她的人通信, 也没见过她. Sedgwick's papers also include correspondence about how he later helped to establish a fund to care for her. 的 为《og体育平台》寻找援助 可以在我们的网站上找到吗. 的 photograph of Opal Whiteley reconstructing her diary displayed here is from the 埃勒里·塞奇威克摄影公司


比德,埃尔伯特. 梦幻般的蛋白石怀特利:从俄勒冈伐木营地到印度公主. 波特兰,俄勒冈州:宾福德 & 莫特,1954.

阿尔伯特·比德, the editor of the Cottage Grove Sentinel (the Oregon town where Opal Whiteley actually grew up), became a principal source of information about her early life for Ellery Sedgwick.

霍尔沃森,凯瑟琳. 奥珀尔·怀特利的《og体育官网》:正在消失的地区." 美国西部文学. 特刊:西方自传 & 回忆录. 2002年夏,197-221.

Cathryn Halverson makes clear the large role that Ellery Sedgwick played in shaping 蛋白石的故事 and removing her narrative from the real places that she lived and placing it in an invented landscape.

Whiteley is one of the writers whom Ellery Sedgwick cultivated that Halverson discusses in 《og体育官网》与《og体育平台》 将于2019年11月由马萨诸塞大学出版社出版.

赫伯特,安. 《og体育官网》. 纽约:Knopf出版社,2018.

尽管奥珀尔·怀特利只是在赫尔伯特的研究中客串了一下, she places Whiteley in the context of a "renaissance" in works by young woman authors who were not child prodigies "in the usual sense of eliciting awe primarily with their mature technical mastery,而是那些文学天赋在于“直觉智慧”的作家."

塞奇威克,埃勒里. "乳白色章节 快乐的职业. Boston: "大西洋 Monthly Press Book," Little, Brown and Company, 1946, 252-266.

奥珀尔·怀特利. 户外活动. 你想知道更多og体育平台森林和田野的生活吗? 听听奥帕尔·怀特利小姐的自然讲座. 较宽的一面,. 1917.

埃勒里·塞奇威克并没有声称他“发现”了奥珀尔·怀特利, 但这只是让她引起了广大观众的注意. As a self-educated teenage naturalist she had begun to lecture to support herself while she attended the University of Oregon. This illustrated broadside advertisement for a 1917 lecture by Whiteley is displayed 在MHS网站上.

2012年卫生部博客文章 by Reference Librarian Anna Clutterbuck-Cook explains more about Whiteley’s early life and nature writing before she met Ellery Sedgwick.

的 Singing Creek Where the Willows Grow: the Rediscovered Nature Diary of Opal Whiteley,由本杰明·霍夫提出. 纽约:Ticknor & 领域,1986年.

Hoff provides biographical information and analysis to accompany this republication of the text of 蛋白石的故事.

蛋白石的故事:一颗理解的心的日记. 波士顿:大西洋月刊出版社,1920. 网上的互联网档案馆.